The Ius Talks begin with a discussion on executive remuneration.

Bufete Barrilero y Asociados launched its Ius Talks for Management with a discussion on executive and board member remuneration, led by Mercedes Bravo, Ainoa González and José María García-Ogara and broadcast via internet streaming. The firm intends to conduct these Ius Talks periodically.
These fact-filled talks concern highly relevant legal issues as an innovative means of maintaining direct contact with clients and with the legal world as a whole. The first of the Ius Talks, broadcast live from the firm’s Madrid offices, had a very significant following among clients, professionals and in both educational and university spheres.
The talks given by the lawyers of Bufete Barrilero y Asociados led to a debate in which participants were free to raise doubts and concerns in real-time. Throughout the conversation the speakers explained the relevance of the recent Supreme Court ruling granting greater control to shareholders’ meetings regarding the remuneration of directors and board members.
The talk is available on the following link:
iu talks - bufete barrilero