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“Labor law Update 2023” – Pamplone

“Labor law Update 2023” – Pamplone

This week, at Civican (Pamplone) , “Labor Law Update, 2023” took place. José Ramón Mínguez, together with other specialists, explained the latest trends of such discipline, focusing on the following aspects:

  1. Economic level
    Post-covid situation, general prohibition to dismiss, Ukraine war and consequences, energetic crisis, government approach, the increase of Public Administration recruitment.
  2. Labor law amendment (Royal Act 32/2021)
    Amendments in labor law.
  3. Current critical issues:
    Outsourcing, temporary recruitment, employment agreement priority, among others.
  4. News in Social Security
    IPC increase, news concerning IT dismissal, RETA quotes, intergenerational equity mechanism, the future of pensions.