Current issues in Labor and Social Security law 2020

The conferences organized by APD and Wolters Kluwer “Current issues in labor and Social Security Law 2020” will be held on January 29th and February 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th in Bilbao, San Sebastián, Vitoria, Santander and Pamplona, respectively. José Ramón Mínguez, partner at the firm, is joining the conferences and is a speaker on current issues in Labor and Social Security law, on legislation and new projects for 2020. Every issue subject to debate will be followed by a round table debate.
The aim of these conferences is to analyze the new regulation in Labor and Social Security law, focusing specifically on the new legislation and jurisprudence. In addition, they will evaluate corporate implications in personnel management.
These conferences are aimed at businessmen, CEOs, human resources directors, managers and legal advisors in the business environment.

Location: Bilbao
Date: 29th January
Hour: 9:15-13:30

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Location:Donostia-San Sebastián
Date: 4th February
Hour: 9:15-13:30

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Location: Vitoria-Gasteiz
Date: 11th February
Hour: 9:15-13:30

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Location: Santander
Date:18th February
Hour: 9:15-13:30

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Location: Pamplona
Date:25th February
Hour: 9:15-13:30

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