We provide solid and quick responses in any market worldwide.

Since our beginnings, and mainly due to the strong entrepreneurial drive of our clients and their international vocation, we have had the firm determination to accompany them in the development of their business in other countries.

Throughout our over 30 years of existence, we have worked closely with numerous prestigious law firms, both at the European level and worldwide, and have established an extensive network of contacts with collaborators who best suit the needs of our clients.

"We are the only Spanish
member of Alfa International."

Within this context, we have been appointed as the Spanish member of Alfa International, the leading network of independent law firms. It comprises 140 member firms worldwide spread across the United States, Europe, Asia, Australia/New Zealand, Africa, Canada, Mexico, and South America.

ALFA International’s mission is to use relationships to deliver high-quality and cost-effective legal services wherever our clients need them. The ALFA International model allows members to utilize their local expertise to provide highly effective legal solutions, often tapping into the collective wisdom and experience of ALFA International’s member firms. ALFA International’s clients benefit from a geographically complete network of exceptional law firms and lawyers skilled in litigation and business.

Therefore, we are able to accompany our clients throughout the entire process of business internationalization, and, upon request, to exercise legal direction and supervision at each stage, thus allowing companies to focus exclusively on their business.

In conclusion, at Barrilero and Associates Law Firm, we seek perfect alignment with the interests of our clients and understand that legal advice based on excellence is the best support we can provide to ensure that entrepreneurial initiatives successfully meet the challenges of a globalized world.