Because amicable solutions are not always possible, Bufete Barrilero y Asociados has a dedicated division exclusively for defending our clients’ interests in judicial and arbitration proceedings. 

Commercial traffic has exponentially increased in recent years, especially between companies operating within different regulatory frameworks, often considered “exotic” from our business perspective.

This unstoppable trend, likely to intensify in the coming years, involves the internationalization of companies on a broad scale. Factors such as revolutions in transportation and the internet bring companies from vastly different countries together for joint ventures, acquisitions, or mergers in unprecedented areas. Acquiring a company, perhaps the most demanding of international operations, involves numerous clauses in Sale Purchase Agreements (SPA) and can be even more complicated with local partners and a Shareholder Agreement (SHA).

In all these transactions, two situations consistently arise: there are at least two legal frameworks and two possible jurisdictions, and both parties tend to prefer the legal framework and jurisdiction they are familiar with. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, especially when a company moves to a new environment.

"Our knowledge and creativity
consistently lead to satisfactory
agreements for all parties."

In such cases, international arbitration, understood as a dispute resolution method combining civil law and customary law procedures with the ability to design the process, becomes probably the best system to provide some “legal security” in commercial traffic involving companies from different countries. 

Arbitration is an ideal tool for companies seeking to resolve disputes without resorting to costly and slow judicial processes, with its effectiveness being more apparent and advisable in international settings.

Because amicable solutions are not always possible, Bufete Barrilero y Asociados has a dedicated division exclusively for defending our clients’ interests in judicial and arbitration proceedings.

Our litigation teams have proven experience, accumulated over years of acting before courts and arbitration tribunals, both in ad hoc arbitrations and those administered by major national and international arbitration courts. Additionally, our professionals often serve as arbitrators in dispute resolution.

Depending on the type of matter entrusted to us, we provide our clients with multidisciplinary teams composed of highly qualified professionals in procedural law and arbitration, as well as experts in the specific substantive matter underlying the dispute. 

Our experience and methods allow us to offer our clients a proven effective service, through which we have achieved significant and noteworthy professional accomplishments.